BitcoinTypes of Cryptocurrency


Bitcoin is a type of cryptocurrency that was created in 2009 by a person called Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin is one of the first digital currency that was created with encryption techniques to work without the need of banks. Find out in detail what a bitcoin… 


How Bitcoin Works

In simple terms Bitcoin works by allowing anyone to send and receive money across the internet digitally. Its like any other currency except its all digital and is not reliant on any government or bank. Find out in detail how the bitcoins work.  

Bitcoin Price

Our up to date bitcoin chats shows the latest bitcoin price in USD and NZD. Find out how the worlds favorite digital currency is doing. We have bitcoin price charts that shows the value of bitcoins every hour, every day, every week and much more. All our charts are live and updated from the leading currency markets. Check out the latest bitcoin prices 

Buy Bitcoins

Buying bitcoins or any cryptocurrency in New Zealand can be complicated, frustrating and time consuming unless you know what you are doing. In this section we will explain in detail  how to buy bitcoins and where from. Check out more detail on how to buy bitcoins from New Zealand

Bitcoin Wallet

Before buying any bitcoin you will need a bitcoin wallet. This is digital wallet that will store all your bitcoins online. With this wallet you will able to send and receive bitcoins online. Its free and simple to create your bitcoin wallet. We will show you how and where to setup your digital bitcoin wallet.  Check it out now 

Bitcoin Price

Bitcoin Exchange

Buying bitcoin is like buying anything else online. In order to buy bitcoins you will need to find a good bitcoin exchange, most of the bitcoin exchanges dose not offer New Zealanders to buy bitcoin. Most of the large bitcoin exchanges have no provenance for us to buy any cryptocurrencies. 

There are only few exchanges that offer kiwi’s to buy digital currencies from New Zealand and even then have restrictions on what you can buy. Find out more on how and where to buy bitcoins from New Zealand 

Bitcoin mining is something that has come a long way, few years back we could use our own computers to mine bitcoins but in today’s market you will need something more powerful. Mining bitcoin is not easy and you will need few crucial things to get started. We have all the information on how to start mining bitcoins from home. Check out the bitcoin mining guide. It is made specifically keeping in mind the Bitcoin mining for dummies. 

Bitcoin Made Simple

"Bitcoins can seem very complicated and hard to grasp but its not. Once you know the basics of bitcoins it will be simple to follow and can be life changing. Check out the video to get the basic concept of what is bitcoin, how it works and why it will be the next big thing in currency market.
James Stuart
Bitcoin specialist

Bitcoin Terms

What is a Bitcoin

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency and worldwide payment system developed in 2009

What is Bitcoin Mining

Bitcoin mining is the process by which transactions are verified and added to the public ledger, known as the block chain, and also the means through which new bitcoin are released.

What is Bitcoin Wallet

Bitcoin wallet is a software program where Bitcoins are stored.

What is a Bitcoin Exchange

A bitcoin exchange is a digital marketplace where traders can buy and sell bitcoins using different currencies. It is  is an online platform that acts as an intermediary between buyers and sellers.